Why play-by post?

  • No scheduling
  • No slowdowns
  • Play via daily posting, any time that works for you
  • Thoughtful immersive storytelling
  • Faster progress than weekly TTRPG sessions
  • Spotlight for everyone

How can I start playing?

Submit a form in 'Join a Game' section

I will help you to:

  1. Create your character
  2. Join the dedicated Discord server
  3. Meet your crew
  4. Stay engaged - daily posting ensures momentum, make sure you're getting your money's worth

How many people are in a game?

Four players is the hard limit. This ensures a tight-knit group, where everyone's character gets their moment to shine and own their area of expertise.

How frequently can I expect GM updates?

I respond at least daily. Depending on the story moment, either to every single player or to the group as a whole.

You can expect brisk back-and-forths between players and myself as well. Daily posting is a minimum.

How frequently am I expected to post?

All players are expected to post daily, including weekends. The posts can be as short or as long as the player deems appropriate.

What makes the pricing worth it?

The subscription ensures that I dedicate a full hour every day, including the weekends to moving the game forward. This schedule ensures a brisk pace of the game and avoids the game loosing momentum.

What if I'm new to RPGs or PBP?

You're welcome to learn both with me!

I'm using the Blades in the Dark system, that prioritises storytelling over mechanics. I will talk you through everything you need to know and will help to immerse you into the dark, gritty, alternate-universe Victorian London.

PBP is a great way to learn the ropes and try RPGs in stress-free environment.

What's the expected duration of one game?

Rough estimate is 3-4 months. This includes an intro section and around 5-6 scores that the crew will get to do, with the down time activities in between.