The Setting


My games are set in the world of 'Blades in the Dark', with one homebrew twist - I use real-world geography with the majority of play time spent in an alternate universe London.


It's late 19th century, London. About a 100 years ago the world has gone down the drain in a demonic apocalypse.
The sun is gone and majority of land is a ghost infested hell scape.
London stands protected by a barrier powered by blood extracted from leviathans swimming in ink black oceans.

You are a gang of low calibre criminals looking to make a living and pull themselves out of the gutter.

The world is a dangerous place, yet you are dangerous people in it. If you keep smart and stay on your toes, you might just make it.


The game is all about taking on daring scores, doing cool crime, engaging in turf wars and dealing with ghosts and demons.

The setting allows for an incredible amount of creativity both in mundane and supernatural. Inventing gadgets and summoning demons has never been more fun. Big advantage of the system is the impact the players have on the world building. Check out the rules for how new occult rituals are learned, it's players' prerogative to tell DM what they do!

The game is split into a series of scores broken down by down time activities. Scores are dictated by what the crew type players pick and the activities they prefer, it can be a mix and match, nothing is set in stone. You could be stealing a prized hound from a guarded kennel at one moment, and hunting a bloodthirsty monster whale the next. You're only limited by your imagination and, always, consequences.

For my inspiration I use the whole of my library of fantasy and nonfiction books, as well as few other RPGs mixed in for a good measure. And I welcome for the players to do the same. Would you like to find Gilgamesh's armour? Invent ghost-powered memory erasing device? Create a ritual that brings about the second end of the world? All entirely on the table.